
Learning Outcomes

At The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, student learning is assessed at a variety of levels - the course level, program level, and institutional level. Our overall approach to student learning assessment is described in the University's Comprehensive Plan for Student Learning Assessment, and specific processes are further outlined in related documents. Email assessment@scranton.edu, for more information. 

Institutional Learning Outcomes, or ILOs, are assessed via several methods. Each academic program - including general education - maps its PLOs to the ILOs, and aggregate review of these related program assessments helps tell us how we are doing in meeting our institutional learning outcomes. The University also conducts several surveys of the student body, such as the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), which provide a rich array of indirect evidence and data related to the student learning experience. Individual survey questions are mapped to ILOs, as well as general education, high impact practices, and other learning areas.

Program Learning Outcomes, or PLOs, are developed by academic programs and other entities within each of the three colleges: the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS), the Kania School of Management (KSOM), and the Panuska College of Professional Studies (PCPS). General Education learning outcomes are also in place for the University's General Education Program. The Weinberg Memorial Library maintains a rigorous assessment program for information literacy curricula, as well as Library and Information Fluency services. Co-curricular programs that focus on student formation and development within the division of Student Life also develop and assess learning outcomes. 

Student Learning Outcomes, or SLOs, are developed by each faculty member, and are posted on each course syllabus. Through curriculum maps, each course connects to various program learning outcomes. Faculty regularly assess the learning outcomes for each course, and in many cases, these assessments yield information that can help to assess the program of which the course is part. 

Each academic program assesses PLOs on a regular cycle, as described in the University's Comprehensive Plan for Student Learning Assessment, and by the needs of the college assessment plan and related activities - such as program review and external disciplinary accreditations - that may occur within that college or program. For information about college-wide assessment and accreditation activities, contact:

College of Arts & Sciences: Dr. Maria Squire, CAS Interim Associate Dean

Kania School of Management: Dr. Murli Rajan, Interim KSOM Associate Dean

Panuska College of Professional Studies: Mr. Raymond Schwenk, PCPS Assistant Dean for Assessment, Communications & Finance 

Student Life: Dr. Jeff Kegolis, Director of Student Conduct and Assessment 

Student Learning Outcomes Terminology

ILO: Institutional Learning Outcome: what we want graduates of the The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ to know, do, and value.

PLO: Program Learning Outcome: what we want students to know, do, or value at the completion of their academic program, general education, or interaction with an organizational unit. 

SLO: Student Learning Outcome: what we want students to know, do, or value at the completion of the course or other learning experience.

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